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Aho Great Spirit

CHIRIC SANANGO (Brunfelsia grandiflora)

Regular price £15.00 GBP
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Introducing Chiric Sanango:

Not suggested for first time users of this plant the side effects from this plant can be strong when taken at strong doses, such as chills, fatigue, weakness, itchiness, nausea, convulsions, spasms, abdominal aches, and vomiting.

Spiritual Benefits: Chiric Sanango, known as the "Grandfather medicine" in Amazonian traditions, is revered for its profound spiritual benefits. It serves as a transformative master plant, aligning the ego with the heart and facilitating deep introspection and emotional healing. Shamans and spiritual practitioners use Chiric Sanango to illuminate the shadow self, promoting spiritual clarity, emotional release, and a stronger connection to one's inner wisdom and true essence.

Health Benefits: In traditional medicine, Chiric Sanango has been utilized for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments. Its active compounds, including scopoletin, have demonstrated powerful therapeutic properties such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, and anti-fungal effects. It is commonly used to address conditions such as fevers, rheumatism, arthritis, syphilis, and various parasitic infections, making it a versatile healing plant in indigenous pharmacopeias.

Plant Details: Brunfelsia grandiflora, commonly known as Chiric Sanango, is a robust Amazonian shrub characterized by its vibrant purple and white flowers. Growing up to 8-10 feet in height, it features simple, oblong green leaves and thrives in diverse soil conditions. This evergreen plant not only adds beauty to its environment but also emits a pleasant fragrance, enhancing its appeal in garden landscapes and natural habitats.

Traditional Use: In indigenous Amazonian cultures, Chiric Sanango is prepared as a potent tea-like decoction derived from its leaves, bark, and roots. This preparation plays a pivotal role in traditional healing ceremonies and spiritual diets, where it is administered under the guidance of experienced shamans or healers. The dieta, or dietary regimen, associated with Chiric Sanango is rigorous and structured, aimed at purifying the body physically and spiritually, and preparing individuals for deeper spiritual experiences and insights.

Dieta Information: Participating in a Chiric Sanango dieta involves adhering to specific dietary and behavioral guidelines prescribed by a shaman or healer. This regimen enhances the plant's spiritual and medicinal effects, inducing profound physical sensations such as dizziness, disorientation, and intense emotional release. These experiences are considered integral to the spiritual journey facilitated by Chiric Sanango, promoting personal growth, mental clarity, and a deeper understanding of one's place in the interconnected web of life.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Janine Pownall

As i deepen into the teachings with Chiric Sanango i feel very strengthened and supported . Strong Teachings great plant and fast delivery I will be back 🔥🩷