Guide to Working with Amazonian Master Plants in Herb Form

Welcome to the transformative realm of Amazonian master plants in herb form. This guide will provide you with essential insights into preparing and engaging with these sacred plants, allowing you to harness their healing and spiritual benefits effectively.

**Guidelines for Your Dieta Journey**

Embarking on a Dieta is a profound commitment to spiritual and physical purification, allowing you to deeply connect with the healing energies of Amazonian master plants. Below are essential do's and don'ts to enhance your experience:


1. **Nourish Your Body Mindfully:** Choose bland, unseasoned foods that support clarity and cleansing. Opt for nourishing options such as oats, rice, potatoes, cucumber, avocado, and broccoli. These foods help maintain a focused and receptive state throughout the Dieta.

2. **Cultivate Inner Presence:** Engage in practices that promote introspection and inner peace. Dedicate time to meditation, yoga, or quiet contemplation. These activities facilitate a deeper connection with the plant spirit and enhance the transformative effects of the Dieta.

3. **Creative Expression:** Explore creative outlets such as drawing, writing, singing, or playing musical instruments. Creative expression serves as a channel for processing emotions and insights gained during the Dieta, fostering personal growth and healing.

4. **Commune with Nature:** Spend time outdoors in natural settings. Take leisurely walks, sit quietly under a tree, or immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the natural world. Nature provides a supportive environment for reflection and spiritual connection.

5. **Dream Journaling:** Keep a dream journal to record and reflect on your dreams during the Dieta. Plant spirits often communicate through dreams, offering guidance, healing insights, and deeper understanding. Documenting your dreams enhances your awareness and integration of spiritual teachings.


1. **Avoid Stimulants and Distractions:** Refrain from consuming salt, sugar, spices, and any stimulating substances. These can interfere with the purity and clarity of your Dieta experience, disrupting your ability to fully connect with the plant spirit.

2. **Limit Social Interactions:** Minimize social engagements, including social media interactions, during the Dieta. Create a space of solitude and introspection to maximize your one-on-one connection with the plant spirit. This focused approach deepens the healing and learning process.

3. **Sexual Abstinence:** Practice abstinence from sexual activity, including orgasms, during the Dieta. This guideline supports the conservation and redirection of vital energy, essential for engaging fully with the spiritual energies of the plant.

4. **External Distractions:** Reduce exposure to external distractions such as loud noises, bright lights, and hectic environments. Create a tranquil and harmonious space conducive to deep introspection and spiritual communion.

5. **Maintain Sacred Space:** Honor the sacredness of your Dieta experience by maintaining a clean and organized environment. Cultivate an atmosphere of reverence and respect for the plant spirit's teachings and healing energies.

By adhering to these guidelines, you honor the ancient traditions of Dieta while fostering a profound connection with Amazonian master plants. Embrace the transformative journey with openness and dedication, allowing the plant spirit to guide you toward healing, insight, and spiritual growth.

Understanding Dieta Protocol

Before embarking on a Dieta, it's important to note that protocols can vary widely between different shamans and for different participants. The following is a general outline that can be adjusted based on individual circumstances:

Days 1-3:

  • Morning (5am): Begin your day with a cup of prepared herb tea. You may choose to strain and heat it according to your preference. If feasible, return to sleep, as plants often communicate profound insights through dreams.

  • Evening (5pm): Consume the second cup of tea as part of your evening ritual.

Day 4:

  • Morning (5am): Drink the third cup of tea and, if possible, return to a restful state.

  • Evening (5pm): Continue with the Dieta by drinking the fourth cup of tea.

Day 5:

  • Morning (5am): Enjoy the fifth cup of tea and, if possible, return to rest.

  • Evening (5pm): Conclude the Dieta with the sixth and final cup of tea.

Closing the Dieta (Day 6):

  • Upon awakening, close the Dieta by mixing lime juice with water, adding a pinch of salt, and consuming this mixture.

Brewing Methods

To prepare your herb teas, consider these methods:

  • Slow Heat on a Pan: Gently simmer the herbs in water over low heat to extract their flavors and medicinal properties effectively.

  • French Coffee Press: Place the herbs in the press, add hot water, steep for the desired duration, and press down slowly to ensure thorough infusion.

Experiment with different brewing techniques to find the approach that best captures the essence of the plant.

Storing Herbs

Proper storage is crucial for preserving the freshness and potency of your herbs:

  • Cool, Dry Location: Store herbs away from direct sunlight and moisture to maintain their quality.

  • Airtight Containers: Use containers that seal tightly to minimize exposure to air, which can degrade herbs over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Should I drink the tea cold or warm? A: Either temperature is suitable. Some prefer warm tea for comfort, while others enjoy the refreshing nature of cold tea.

Q: Can I conclude the Dieta early? A: Listen to your body's signals. If you feel overwhelmed, ending the Dieta with lime water and salt is acceptable. Refrigerate any remaining tea for future use.

Q: What if I experience intense emotions or sensations? A: Embrace these experiences as integral to the plant's healing process. Allow yourself to feel without resistance.

Q: Is it permissible to use Rapéh/Hapéh during the Dieta? A: Yes, incorporating Rapéh can enhance grounding and deepen your spiritual exploration during the Dieta.

Q: How do I select the initial Master Plant? A: Research various plants to determine which one aligns best with your intentions and spiritual journey. Bobinsana and Ajo Sacha are popular choices for beginners.


Engaging with Amazonian master plants through a Dieta offers a profound pathway to connect with their healing and spiritual properties. Whether embarking on your initial Dieta or continuing your journey, this guide equips you with the knowledge to honor these ancient traditions and embrace the transformative power of plant spirits.

Explore our range of Amazonian master plant herbs and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery today.