
Add any of the other master plant tinctures that are available as a mix for the perfect synergy. Highly recommend Mother vine and Bobinsana Synergy.  

Step into the realm of ancient healing with our premium Banisteriopsis Caapi extract, sourced directly from the heart of the Peruvian Amazon. Known as the "vine of the soul,"  Banisteriopsis Caapi has been revered for centuries by indigenous peoples for its profound therapeutic properties.

Experience the nurturing embrace of Mother Aya as you delve into a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Our Ayahuasca Vine extract is meticulously prepared and steeped for 6 weeks to create a strong and potent extract. 

Scientific research has unveiled the remarkable potential of Banisteriopsis Caapi with studies demonstrating its ability to enhance brain function, act as an antioxidant, and alleviate symptoms of various neurological disorders.

Our tincture, is comprised 100% Banisteriopsis Caapi pure grain alcohol and distiled water

Aya Vine stands on its own as a potent healer. Revered as a 'master plant' by Shamans, it is believed to amplify empathy and possess a nurturing and protective energy known as Mother Aya.

This is a beautiful Mood enhancer that brings joy, clarity, and presence. 

B-Caapi may also have the following benefits:

  • Helps with depression and anxiety
  • Helps focus attention
  • Inspires creativity
  • Increases receptivity to new ideas and improves decision-making
  • Increases periods of being in ‘flow’
  • Enhances intuition
  • Brings deeper feelings of gratitude and love to self and others
  • Grounding, and helps develop stronger boundaries
  • Brings greater energy (and vitality)
  • Helps release trauma, old patterns and habits
  • Promotes deep inner calm
  • Helps bring clarity to finding and fulfilling your life purpose
  • Can help relieve symptoms of neuro-degenerative diseases 
  • Hunting aid (improved vision)

The Aya Vine we use comes direct from our reliable and sustainable source in Peru. 

Banisteriopsis Caapi is a natural MAO-inhibitor and should not be taken while taking any MAO or SSR inhibitors, antidepressants, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, sleeping meds, or any supplements or herbs that contain MAOIs or SSRIs and breast feeding or pregnant. There are no documented side-effects for micro-dosing Banisteriopsis Caapi alone. However, Banisteriopsis Caapi contains MAO inhibiting compounds which if taken with or within close proximity to other herbs, drugs and supplements that contain MAOIs and SSRIs, could pose a serious risk. Please exercise caution and refer to available research regarding combinations with Banisteriopsis Caapi and consult a doctor.

15ml = £15
30ml = £25
50ml = 35
 simply use the contact form at the bottom of the page with your order and we will provide a direct link via email for convenient payment options, whether by card or bank transfer.
Suppression and restriction by the card companies mean we can only sell this way at this time. You can add this item to other products ordered without extra postage fees.